Development land required across the UK

My Story

Despite an unconnected background in accountancy, insolvency and corporate trouble shooting I always wanted to be a Property Developer but wondered why buildings had to be brick and built so slowly on site.
Ever more curious, in February 2010, I drew the first design sketch representing a way of constructing and transporting any building from a remote factory. I did not realise at the time, but my vision prompting that first sketch was to create a totally new, unique way of constructing both residential and commercial buildings.
Using Structurally Insulated Panels (‘SIPs’), assembled in a Volumetric Onsite/Offsite Factory, homes and industrial units can now be built faster and more economically, with the smallest carbon footprint imaginable.
In fact, the carbon footprint was so small, I decided to use the name Low Carbon Construction as my brand. I then developed a whole series of intellectual property including the name, designs and methods of construction.
I appointed my very first Intellectual Property Licence Holder in the UK to deliver on my innovation in 2012. Since then Low Carbon Construction Worldwide Limited has gone on to formulate its Affordable Housing Strategy to provide sustainable housing developments which are accessible to all. It is clear that successive governments have tried and failed to achieve this - so now it is time for change as everyone deserves the security of a safe, quality home that they can afford to heat, and yet millions in the UK simply don’t have this as a fundamental sanctuary.
As the major Shareholder, I am proud to say that all the team at LCC are committed to meeting the ever-growing challenge faced by first-time buyers, those on low incomes, key workers, retirees and all those who struggle to afford to rent or buy their own home. They are creating truly affordable, high quality, low maintenance homes that costs little or nothing to run so discover more at: 

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